
Supreme Court Sex Decision

The Supreme Court made its absolutely unsupportable judgment based upon several erroneous assumptions.

To limit the issue to one narrow facet (and then to let prejudice and bigotry color that decision) is a miscarriage of justice.

This led directly to a graver error. Justice White opined that since laws against sodomy were a part of U.S. jurisprudence at the time of the framing of the Constitution, that they should stand now.


However, at the time of the Founding Fathers, slavery was legal, only property owners could vote, women had no rights other than to be their husband’s property etc., etc. Is the Supreme Court suggesting that we go back to those times?

The court is attacking the rights of all Americans, not only to have sex when, how and with whomever they wish, but also to think, act and feel as they wish without some false authority dictating to them.


Van Nuys
