
Culver City : Trees Spur Complaints

The City Council is looking into complaints from residents of the 10700 block of Whitburn Street that several city-owned trees are dropping leaves and liquid on their property.

Residents told the council Monday said that the leaves of the Victorian box trees are slippery and that the liquid ruins the finish and clouds the windows of their autos. They petitioned the city to remove and replace the trees, which were planted by developers 20 years ago.

But city law prohibits the removal of trees unless they are considered a threat to public safety, according to Joe Marbie, a city grounds inspector. Marbie told the council that the trees, which are from Africa, do not pose such a threat.


Residents, however, said the trees are infested with aphids and that the slippery leaves have caused some people to fall.

Some council members said they are afraid of being deluged by requests from throughout the city to remove trees in other neighborhoods.

A staff report suggested the council either deny the residents’ request or require them to replace the Victorian box trees with Indian laurel trees at their expense. The council voted instead to seek a second opinion on the condition of the trees.
