
Dyson to Head New Coca-Cola Bottling Unit

Brian G. Dyson, president of Coca-Cola U.S.A. and executive vice president of the parent company, will head a new bottling company to be owned by the soft-drink giant, Coca-Cola Co. announced Monday.

The new company will be formed by combining Coca-Cola’s current bottling operations with the assets of two major independent bottlers that Coca-Cola recently agreed to acquire for about $2.4 billion: JTL Coca-Cola, its largest independent bottler, and Beatrice Cos.’ bottling franchise in Los Angeles.

The new venture will bottle about 30% of Coca-Cola’s domestic volume.

Dyson will continue to serve as executive vice president of Coca-Cola while the acquisitions are being completed, Coca-Cola announced. Donald R. Keough, president and chief operating officer of the parent company, will become chairman of the board of the new bottling company.
