
W. Hollywood Employees Union Elects Officers

Members of West Hollywood’s new municipal employees union have elected a slate of officers who are expected to play key roles in negotiating the first contract with the city.

Rent control staff member Abby Baker, newly elected interim president of the union, said the officers will serve at least four months, or either until the adoption of the city’s collective bargaining agreement or the ratification of the new local’s constitution.

“We don’t want to change officers in mid-stream,” she said, adding that completion of the collective bargaining process could take as long as six months.


Last month, more than two-thirds of the city’s 50 employees voted to join the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union (AFSCME).

In other union votes, rent control counselor Joe Brewster was named vice president, rent control counselor Tom Hamlett was elected secretary and Community Development Department receptionist Betty Moncure was named treasurer. Vincent Freeman, a Community Development staff member, was elected chief steward, in charge of handling employee grievances.

Union employees also nominated people for a 13-member bargaining committee and a political action committee. Baker said the political action committee could play a part in the city’s special election in November, being held to fill the City Council seat of former Councilwoman Valerie Terrigno.


“In numbers, we don’t have a lot of impact,” Baker said. “But if we make a recommendation in the race, AFSCME’s general council might defer to our judgment and throw its support behind the candidate we back.”
