
Armenian Fest Has Big Finish

Hailing from Beirut, Fresno and points in between, hundreds of Armenians and Armenian-Americans wrapped up five days of sport Sunday with the finale of the Athletic Games and Youth Festival of the Armenian General Benevolent Union. Ceremonies at Los Angeles Valley College featured a parade, a speech by Gov. George Deukmejian and an Armenian youth band from Beirut.

Deukmejian, holding a rug presented to him by weightlifter Yuri Yartanian, urged crowd of 2,000, particularly its teen-agers, to “say no to use of drugs.”

The AGBU, the largest Armenian philanthropic organization in the world, maintains 38 chapters. Teams from 22 chapters competed in sports such as basketball, swimming and track and field events. Athletes carrying the group’s banner led the parade in Valley College’s football stadium.
