
West’s Outcry Against Apartheid

The commentary of Raymond Price was so much more of the same duplicitous logic that other conservative propagandists regurgitate to justify the continued denial of human rights by one group of human beings by another.

What Price would have us believe is that the root of all revolutionary movements is power and that communism is automatically responsible, which is as far from the truth as we can get.

The truth, as I know it, is that the principle of suffrage is the root cause of revolutions, just as the vacuum that is left by democracies’ continued support of the status quo will surely be filled by fascism or communism.


In 1776, the Founding Fathers took up arms and invoked God’s name in their battle for suffrage, which was called independence. They were so concerned about suffrage, they even included phrases regarding “the people’s right to bear arms” and “the people’s right and duty to destroy” this form of government should it cease to serve them or abridge the rights that were consecrated in the Constitution. The Bolsheviks, Ho Chi Minh, and even the Boers, believed in this principle.

If the right of suffrage was good enough for one group of people, it is good enough for all. It is not the private domain of whites, which is what I think these conservative propagandists really feel.


Los Angeles
