
West’s Outcry Against Apartheid

Price’s article on South Africa should be required reading for every member of Congress and all the do-gooders who are trying to outdo one another with sanctions against South Africa.

Price writes: “The real struggle in South Africa today is not about race but about power. It is not a simple question of black vs white. It is not about whether apartheid will continue. It is about who will run the country when apartheid ends, and how much, if any, freedom there will be for black and white alike. It is about whether South Africa will fall into the hands of the Soviet stooges of the African National Congress and become another Bulgaria, Nicaragua or Afghanistan. Congress is rushing pell-mell to ensure that it does.”

And Price did not even mention that Russia would then control 90% of the world’s supply of platinum, which is vital to our economic and military survival. Russia will have us by the throat and a little lower, too.


Meanwhile, we are beating the bejabbers out of our friend and ally, South Africa, for an internal policy, while rewarding Russia for the rape of Afghanistan with taxpayer subsidized loans and grain. So who is crazy?


Los Angeles
