
Hearing Set on Building Curbs

After much debate, the City Council has tabled proposed amendments to the municipal building and zoning ordinances and set a public hearing on them for Sept. 15.

The proposals, suggested by the Planning Commission and the city administrator, would establish a 50-foot minimum frontage for all R-1 residential lots, or 40 feet for cul-de-sac lots. Another amendment calls for a minimum of six feet between houses on the same lot.

Councilman Charles Belba and Mayor Hal Hall opposed the amendments.

Belba said the restrictions would stymie cul-de-sac development. “I prefer to judge each development on its merit (rather) than set some arbitrary standards,” he said.


Hall objected to restricting property rights. “This whole thing just puts the screws tighter on my personal piece of property,” he said. “We should look very carefully at taking away a person’s right to develop his property as he wishes.”
