
Ray Watt Leads Drive to Fund Child Center

Builder-developer Ray Watt, chairman of Watt Enterprises, Santa Monica, is heading a drive to raise $180,000 to turn a vacant fire station in Santa Monica’s Clover Park into a nonprofit child-care center.

The city has leased the building at 2801 25th St. to Hill an’ Dale Family Learning Center for up to 10 years for $1 a year. When completed, the center will serve about 45 children between the ages of 2 and 5.

Watt Enterprises is underwriting fund-raising expenses, Watt Commercial Development is doing the renovation at cost and Santa Monica architect Gwynn Pugh is donating his services. Tax-deductible donations, payable to “Old Firehouse Childcare Center,” can be sent to P.O. Box 2114, 2717 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica 90406.
