

The idea behind that new Jordache TV campaign, says company ad exec Jerry Taylor in NYC, is “to isolate the true emotions of the teen-ager.” And what better way than adolescent anguish--and a Molly Ringwald look-alike?

Turns out that it’s the first role for Cheryl Pollak (“I hate my mother--she’s so much prettier than me”), who’d never considered herself Ringwaldish. “At the audition was the first time I ever heard I look like her,” said Pollak, 18, a grad of Eisenhower High in Rialto. She called us from a Sunset Boulevard phone booth in between a movie audition and a clothes-buying fix. As for her auburn locks, the Texas-born Pollak said they’re the real thing: “My mother’s hair is just like mine. I guess that’s a pretty funny thing for me to say.”

Six commercials are completed. Four have aired since June, two are on hold and at least two more spots will be filmed. (The spot in which a boy asks “Have you ever seen your parents naked?” was pulled by the networks. According to Taylor, it was considered “a little over the line.”)


Beverly Boos of Capitol Casting said those spots have fueled the casting quest for Ringwaldlets: “Every second commercial I cast is for red hair now.”

Pollak, who beat out nearly 200 competitors, now wants an acting career. She missed out on one major film (she was “too mature” for the role, she related). But she’s persisting: “It’s like I’m a rookie on a football team.”
