
The Region - News from Sept. 1, 1986

About 150 chanting animal rights advocates picketed outside the Westwood home of Los Angeles County Supervisor Ed Edelman for about a hour. Carrying signs protesting the sale of animals kept at county shelters for medical research, the group at first demanded a face-to-face meeting with the supervisor, who refused to answer his door. They finally left, however, when an aide to the supervisor gave them a hand-written note from Edelman promising that he would meet later in the week with delegates from the two groups: Students United Protesting Research on Sentient Subjects (SUPRESS) and Last Chance for Animals. Group members were angry that supervisors failed to consider a proposed ordinance that would prohibit the sale of animals for medical research. Edelman later said he sympathized with the protesters but was disturbed that they would violate his privacy by marching in front of his home.
