
LETTERS : To Cheer or Jeer?

I am writing this letter in regard to the article written in the sports section on Aug. 31 by Rich Tosches. I am extremely upset at the way the article was written and how it portrayed CSUN’s cheerleaders. His sarcastic comment implied that by saying, “Go Big Red” we were too stupid to know who we were cheering for.

Northridge’s colors are red , black and white. However, all of our cheers are geared toward red. Soccer is not part of our schedule. However, when asked on Tuesday by a few members of the soccer team, those who were able to show up on such short notice were there to support our team. Seeing as how we were wearing red uniforms with CSUN written in large letters across the front of our uniforms, it should have been clear as to who we were cheering for.


Cheerleading captain

Cal State Northridge
