
LETTERS : Bringing Up Old Issues

I cannot believe that (Abbe) Land’s campaign staff would fall so low as to bring up issues as old and tired as owning an adult bookstore in 1972 by . . . Gene La Pietra (Times, Sept. 11).

Perhaps she is not old enough to remember the 1960s and ‘70s when Ed Davis (then Los Angeles chief of police) set his own laws with regard to the above. Thankfully, we have moved beyond that period. Were we still there, several businesses would be closed today.

It should also be pointed out that several of our most prominent citizens also own or have owned similar business. I would assume that Land would support the recent Supreme Court decision to uphold the sodomy laws in states. I would also assume that she would not like to see someone as successful as Gene serve on our City Council.


Also, to even mention the conviction of our former mayor is even lower. (Valerie) Terrigno was convicted of stealing public funds, and served time for that. She was not accused of owning an adult book store. Would that she had owned a successful business; we might have been spared the embarrassment we all went through.

Perhaps in fairness to Gene we would talk about his commitment to all of the citizens of West Hollywood. Anyone who knows Gene knows that no group or individual runs Gene. Gene represents all people and clearly has the past to show that he can and will do just that.


West Hollywood
