
East County : Headlights Urged for Santiago Canyon Road

In a move to reduce accidents on one of the county’s most dangerous roads, the California Highway Patrol said Wednesday that it is asking motorists to use their headlights during daylight hours while traveling on Santiago Canyon Road.

“This will be a program to cut down on accidents,” CHP Officer Mike Lundquist said.

Use of headlights, during all hours, is advised on Santiago Canyon Road from Chapman Avenue in east Orange to the O’Neill Regional Park turnoff in the Trabuco Canyon area, the CHP said.

The CHP said there were 10 traffic deaths and 109 injuries on that section of Santiago Canyon Road between June 1, 1984, and Dec. 31, 1985.


Officers said the use of daytime headlights helps alert other drivers to a dangerous section of a highway. A similar program has been in effect on Laguna Canyon Road and a 14-mile section of Ortega Highway and has been credited with reducing the number of accidents and fatalities.
