
Wrong-Way Car Blamed as Crash Kills 1 on Freeway

An 82-year-old Torrance man who was driving the wrong way on the Golden State Freeway touched off a three-car collision that killed a teen-age driver and injured three other people, the California Highway Patrol said Saturday.

The accident occurred at 9:27 p.m. Friday when the car driven by the 82-year-old man, Joseph Carroll, wandered onto the freeway at the Brand Boulevard on-ramp, going north in a southbound lane, said CHP Officer Joe Rojas.

Carroll’s car collided head-on with a small pickup truck, injuring the driver, Lucrecia Rombi, 22, and her passenger, Frank Rombi, 25, both of Monterey.


A few moments later, Keith Snow, 19, of Tarzana was killed when his 1967 Volkswagen rear-ended the pickup truck, Rojas said.

The three survivors of the accident were taken to Holy Cross Hospital in Mission Hills. Carroll suffered head injuries and was in serious condition, according to a hospital spokeswoman. The Rombis were in good condition after being treated for fractures of the leg and foot.
