
Brea City Council Approves Community Center Concept

Although still in the “dream” stage, Brea’s first community center has moved a step closer to reality.

The City Council gave conceptual approval this week to a proposed 25,000-square-foot center at the corner of Birch Street and Brea Boulevard in the heart of the city’s aging downtown.

“This is still a dream facility,” said Community Services Director Ret Wixted. “The hard-core work has still to be done. We’re just out there looking around.”


The proposed center would feature volleyball and basketball courts, a gymnasium, a social hall with a kitchen, separate areas for teen-ager programs, a conference room and classrooms, Wixted said.

In the 1986-87 city budget, the council appropriated $232,000 to pay for the land and design of the center. But that amount would not cover construction costs, Wixted said.

The project now returns to the Parks, Recreation and Human Services Commission for further review and comments.
