
T.D. Service Financial Corp. in Orange has...

T.D. Service Financial Corp. in Orange has named Kenneth Potalivo and Thomas Lippold to two of its top executive positions.

Potalivo has been appointed to the newly created post of executive vice president and chief operating officer. He was vice president for sales and marketing at Beam and Associates in Orange from 1983 until he joined T.D. Financial late last year as vice president for subsidiary operations. Several months later he was given the additional appointment of president of T.D. Service Co., the company affiliate which specializes in processing foreclosures, a position he held until his most recent promotion.

Lippold has been chosen to succeed Potalivo as president of the affiliate. Lippold, who has been with the company since July 1985, previously served as the affiliate’s senior vice president.


T.D. Service Financial Corp. is an Orange-based holding company for real estate related corporations.
