
Westwood : Parking Permit Issue Delayed

UCLA students scored a victory last week when the Los Angeles City Council’s traffic and transportation subcommittee voted to postpone a decision on preferential parking along streets west of the campus.

The subcommittee voted 2 to 0 for the delay, which will allow students and homeowners time to meet and discuss their parking preferences before the issue comes up for review Nov. 21.

Citing 2,000 petition signatures gathered by a campus lobbying group, Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky praised the students’ efforts and said he favors “talk between neighbors.”


“I’m hopeful that at least there will be a dialogue between residents and students,” said Yaroslavsky, a UCLA alumnus. “We’re trying to balance the interest of both groups, and it can be done.”

Westwood streets most affected by heavy traffic and limited parking conditions are those closest to Veteran Avenue, Yaroslavsky said. Permit parking is inevitable in the congested area, he said, but students and homeowners can recommend the kind of limits to be placed on parking in the area. Options include parking limited only to residents with permits or restricted parking for those without permits.
