

We got an advance look at “Linda Evans,” the first full-scale biography of the “Dynasty” star, and it ain’t pretty.

Written by Britisher Michael Freedland (he did more than a dozen similar books on such subjects as Shirley MacLaine, Cary Grant, etc.) and being readied by St. Martin’s Press for January publication--and for serialization by the National Enquirer for a “high” six-figure sum--it wallows in such stuff as:

Sordid details of an alleged relationship in the early ‘60s with sometime-Hollywood producer-publicist Patrick Curtis (who later married Raquel Welch).


Claims that the real Svengali in Linda’s life wasn’t then-husband John Derek but publicist-turned-personal manager Jay Bernstein--who “repackaged” Linda twice: once during her pre-”Big Valley” years and again at the start of her “Dynasty” ascendance.

Allegations that Derek tricked her into posing nude for Playboy while she believed the photos were “just for the two of us” (as Freedland quotes her). The author indicates that Evans was crushed by publication of the photos.

Contentions that Derek ruined her career in the late ‘60s. Quoting Freedland: “He handed her an ultimatum--’Hollywood or me.’ ”


And that Evans felt far more frightened and betrayed following her love scenes with AIDS victim Rock Hudson than she ever revealed publicly. According to Freedland, “On one hand she was feeling terrible and having difficulty keeping the anxiety to herself.”

Freedland told Outtakes from London that he based the book on scores of interviews, including one with Derek.

Evans’ agent, business manager and private secretary said the star won’t dignify the book with comments.
