
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWS : COURTS : Frontiere to Be Sentenced Dec. 8 on Scalping Count

Times staff writer Gary Jarlson compiled the Week in Review stories

It has been six years since the Los Angeles Rams were in the Super Bowl, but the memories of that slam-bang contest with the Pittsburgh Steelers remain. Not all of them are pleasant.

Dominic Frontiere, husband of Rams owner Georgia Frontiere, pleaded guilty in federal court to charges he filed a false income tax return and lied to Internal Revenue Service agents to cover up his role in the scalping of tickets to the 1980 Super Bowl.

U.S. District Judge William D. Keller scheduled sentencing of the 55-year-old composer for Dec. 8. Frontiere faces a maximum sentence of eight years in prison and a $15,000 fine.


An indictment handed down last June alleged that:

Frontiere and his wife, who was not charged, reported income of $397,000 in their 1980 joint return, when he knew that they should have reported substantially more income from the tickets he sold.

The Frontieres claimed a false deduction of $116,335 for tickets that they said they gave away, when Dominic knew they had been sold.

Dominic Frontiere lied to IRS investigators when he said he had personally received only about 200 tickets and had given most of them to friends.
