
Cardkey Gains Contract for Security Door Cards

Cardkey Systems of Chatsworth signed a contract worth a minimum of $13 million with ADT Inc. to supply the New York-based security alarm company with magnetic cards designed to open electronically locked doors.

The agreement calls for Cardkey to make the cards at its plants in Chatsworth and Reading, England. Cardkey said the deal would bring it into new markets.

Cardkey is one of the nation’s largest makers of what are known as electronic access-control systems. Its magnetic card systems are used in such places as hotels and offices. ADT makes, installs and monitors security alarm systems for factories, large office complexes and other buildings.


Last August, Cardkey was purchased by EyeDentify Inc., a Beaverton, Ore., maker of security devices that identify people by examining the unique patterns of their retinas. Cardkey previously was a unit of Fairchild Industries.

ADT employs 9,500 and reported sales last year of $479.6 million. Cardkey employs 440 and had sales last year of $33 million.
