
Nobel Prize for Elie Wiesel

Bravo! Thank God we still have among us those brave persons in recognized high places in the secular world who are capable of recognizing truth and recognizing a man of peace, a man of truth, a man who propounds real, true peace.

Elie Wiesel is a man of peace who believes that man is not evil, but that man is capable of incredible evil. He calls on all mankind to wake up from unconsciousness to become consciously aware of why and how such monstrous degradations and mass murders of human beings were permitted in the past and are permitted in the present.

The good of mankind will rise from the ashes of these despicable crimes only if the all to conscience and consciousness in mankind is awakened and answered. Then, in accord with your editorial, I, too, believe that “testimony will be given to the best that people can be.”



