
Countywide : Caltrans Agrees to Open Branch Office in County

Responding to criticism from county officials, the California Department of Transportation plans to open a branch office in the county by next spring.

Caltrans District Director Don Watson announced the action Monday, saying that the office would be “jointly staffed by Caltrans and consultants funded by the county Transportation Commission.”

“The project team will be assembled to work exclusively on the widening of I-5 (the Santa Ana Freeway), which is the highest transportation priority in Orange County,” Watson said.


OCTC Executive Director Stan Oftelie praised Caltrans’ decision. “This is the news we have been waiting and hoping for.”

The new office would be more convenient for the public, developers and local agencies in viewing and participating in design decisions for the freeway-widening project, which involves doubling the number of lanes from six to 12.

At present, county residents who have business with Caltrans have to travel to Los Angeles.


Oftelie said he hopes that the office eventually will be made permanent, although there are no current plans to do so.
