
Irvine Dean Candidate Chosen

Edward J. Quilligan, chairman of the obstetrics and gynecology department at University of California, Davis, is being recommended to become the new dean of UC Irvine’s College of Medicine.

If approved by the University of California regents in January, Quilligan, 61, will also become vice chancellor for health sciences.

The University of California, Irvine, medical school has been headed by an interim dean since January, 1985, when Dr. Stanley van den Noort was not reappointed. Van den Noort was a leading supporter of construction of an on-campus hospital affiliated with the medical school, an issue that divided the City of Irvine for more than a decade.


Quilligan, a Cleveland native, was a member of the UC Irvine faculty from 1980-1983. Sources said Tuesday that Quilligan has accepted the offer.
