
Jogging Suits Cast a Wonderful Spell

Middle-aged people don’t need lovers or Mediterranean cruises to feel young. All they need is jogging suits.

To accomplish this, they certainly don’t need to jog--or even walk. All they need is to don the apparel.

Jogging suits are comfortable, reasonable in price and attractive. Young people wear them because they’re young. Many middle-aged people wear them to feel young.


You might wonder why jogging suits are also called “warm-up” suits. That’s because they’re used by some energetic people for both functions.

Of course, I neither jog nor warm up. So, what’s in a name? Forget the name. It’s the feeling that counts.

And I can testify to that. I had been dying to buy a jogging suit for more than 10 years. At least once a month I had gone to a store and tried on a dark-colored one, but I would take it off in disgust and considerable frustration. The thing showed my every bulge.


With a sigh, I would regretfully give it up. I felt fat and inadequate, and--let’s face it-- old.

As time went by, I watched many people of various ages and shapes trotting by, or walking, or lounging in their jogging suits. I felt an unbelievable envy. I even envied the fat ones who nonchalantly showed all of their bulges. I envied them their self-assurance and their guts.

After long months of deprivation, I finally lost some weight, and I ran, not walked, to my favorite store to buy some new clothes that fit me. Do you think that I bought the expensive designer clothes I could never look good in before? Did I buy clinging, sensual silk? Did I replenish my stretched-out one-size-too-large wardrobe?

No. We all know the first thing I did. I bought a pretty jogging suit in a medium instead of a large. I didn’t even mind that it was a little bit too tight, just so I could get in it without bursting a seam.


Did I choose a conservative black or brown to make me look smaller? No. Definitely not. I chose a luscious turquoise--quite bright compared to my previous wardrobe choices.

I put it on as soon as possible, and I’ve worn it often. In fact, I’d say that I’ve worn it as often as I could--every day. I feel young, active, vibrant and attractive in it. I love the bright turquoise color. I hope that everyone will look at me and notice how much younger I look.

I’m considering buying a few more jogging suits in different textures and bright colors. (It’s difficult to wait in my undies while I wash and dry this one. Also, I’m taking pity on those who see me often who might tire of the new vibrant, young, turquoise me.)

It’s possible that I’ll get one of those velour warm-up suits that look like velvet. Then I can wear it for dress occasions.

You guessed it. I’m afraid to take a jogging suit off. I’m not wearing it because it’s the ‘80s uniform. No, I’m not that much concerned with fashion images or with being “in.”

You see, I don’t want to take off my jogging suit because I don’t want to break the spell. I don’t want to stop feeling turquoise, young and vibrant.


Have I exercised in it? Of course, but that’s incidental. I’ve pedaled away on my exercise bike. I’ve walked a little.

The other day, my doctor asked me if I had started hiking. (This is a necessity when you’re losing weight.) I giggled a little and admitted, “No doctor, not yet. But I’ve made a good start. I bought a cute jogging suit.”
