
With Grants, Teachers Can Be Scholars, Too

Times Staff Writer

Reading about Homer and Bronze Age Greece is not everyone’s idea of a dream vacation.

But that is what Temple City High School teacher Ted Carothers did last summer, to his great satisfaction.

Carothers and four other Los Angeles-area high school teachers did not have to teach summer school this year. They were paid to pursue their academic passions as winners of national fellowships that allowed them to do the sort of scholarly work usually associated with college-level teaching.

The five were among 150 recipients nationwide of fellowships for independent study in the humanities, a program administered by the Council for Basic Education in Washington.


With $3,000 stipends, provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities and others, the local teachers were able to read to satiety on a favorite subject, without guilt and without missing a mortgage payment.

Their projects, all approved by panels of experts, varied.

For example, while Carothers spent day after day in the Huntington Library reading about Homer’s life and works, Studio City teacher Ellen Samsell studied creative women in the books of Willa Cather.

Daniel Victor, who teaches English at Fairfax High School on the Westside, spent his summer looking at ambivalence toward social class in the lives and works of Mark Twain, Stephen Crane and others.


According to the five local recipients, the summer fellowship was more than a rare opportunity to indulge a scholar’s notion of a good time by learning as much as possible on a topic of choice.

The award, they said, also sent them back to their classrooms with a renewed commitment to teaching. And it gave each of them a satisfying sense--for some, a first-time sense--that they were being recognized as genuine scholars, something high school teachers are rarely thought to be.

According to a fellowship administrator, these emotional fringe benefits are precisely what the grant program is designed to produce. The only way to ensure excellence in teaching is to get excellent teachers into the classroom and keep them there, the Council for Basic Education’s Betty Berkow said.


Berkow said enhanced self-esteem and job satisfaction are often reported by fellowship winners. “I wish they had had the program when I was teaching,” she said.

“Academically, it was the No. 1 experience of my life,” Carothers, 57, said of his summer grant.

Carothers, who has taught social science at Temple City High for 25 years, said he became enthralled with the archeology and anthropology of Bronze Age Greece 20 years ago and has not fallen out of thrall since.

“I would be doing this even if I didn’t have grants,” said Carothers, who once treated himself to a $10,000 tour of the major Bronze Age sites in Greece.

‘A Lifetime Study’

Carothers’ grant allowed him to read more about Homer’s epics, “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey.”

“Just these two books are a lifetime study,” he said. “It would be presumptuous of me to think I could read all that’s been written about them. But I made a good beginning.”


Carothers spent much of his time in the hushed atmosphere of the Huntington Library, studying Homeric references in the library’s rare books.

“You feel as if you’re on hallowed ground,” Carothers said of the Huntington. He felt especially privileged to work there because, he said, “I’m a high school teacher and most of the people up there are college people.”

As fellowship recipient Samsell, who teaches advanced English courses at Our Lady of Corvallis High School, said, teaching high school is not exactly a glamour profession.

“If you go to law school, you have instant recognition,” said Samsell, 35. “But when you tell people you’re a teacher they are not impressed.”

Samsell, who has a doctorate in English and American studies from Indiana University, said she often finds herself justifying her choice of profession to puzzled strangers.

“People are constantly saying to me, ‘Why are you teaching high school with a Ph.D.?’ ” Samsell said. “I tell them I love it. And I also tell them that getting a university teaching job someplace other than Alabama, Georgia or North Dakota isn’t easy.”


Satisfying Pursuit

Samsell found her reading of Willa Cather even more satisfying than writing her dissertation on 19th-Century American realism.

“I love teaching,” she said. “But when I do this it reminds me just how much I love to work in a library on my own, how much I love to study.”

Victor’s project grew out of his doctoral dissertation on David Graham Phillips, a turn-of-the-century social critic whose impassioned prose prompted a sputtering Teddy Roosevelt to term him a muck-raker.

Victor, 42, looked at the contradiction in the lives and works of Phillips, Mark Twain and Stephen Crane, all of whom were both social critics and social climbers. (As Victor pointed out, Crane, who wrote eloquently of the American poor, spent his final days as a dandy on a British country estate.) Victor said he encourages his students to analyze literary works in terms of such powerful opposing forces.

Victor’s fellowship allowed him a few academic luxuries, such as a $25 copy of the hard-to-find novel Crane was working on at his death, “The O’Ruddy.”

The opportunity to study Twain in depth has enhanced an advanced-placement course Victor teaches that deals extensively with Twain’s work, he said. But Victor said he especially valued the grant’s implicit acknowledgement that a high school teacher’s intellectual interests could be worthy of support.


Like many others, Victor sees such programs as a healthy corrective to the popular notion that anyone who can stand upright can teach.

“People think it’s just a matter of getting up in front of a class and talking,” he said. “It’s not. Just because people have flown in an airplane doesn’t mean they can tell the pilot how to fly.”

Mental Well-Being Helped

In the report Victor filed after his summer of study, he described the fellowship as “a most worthwhile and needed supplement not only to the relatively low salaries of teachers but also to their mental and spiritual well-being.”

One of the things Victor liked was that the recipients were given their stipends at the beginning of the summer.

That may sound like a minor amenity, but administrator Berkow said that many recipients (just over 500 since the program began in 1983) praise this aspect of the program.

The teachers said they appreciate being treated as trustworthy adults, she said, apparently because that is not always the way they are treated in their schools and other settings.


“We give them the money up front,” Berkow said. “They’re not on a line of credit or a weekly budget.”

$200 Earmarked for Books

Of the $3,000 each receives, $2,800 is a grant to the winner and $200 is earmarked for books for his or her school library. Carothers’ gifts to the Temple City High School library included Milman Parry’s costly classic “The Making of Homeric Verse.”

Fellow Mary Brackenhoff, who teaches English at the Marlborough School in Hancock Park, used her grant to fill a gap in her literary education by reading books by British and American women writers.

Brackenhoff, 36, said women’s literature is of special interest to many of her students, all girls.

Second-Rate Writing

Brackenhoff said she made some wonderful discoveries, such as the novels of Shirley Ann Grau, whose books she now teaches.

She also found a vast amount of second-rate writing by women. The Jane Austens are few, she discovered, speculating that historical inequities in education for women may have hurt them as writers.


“I had always objected to the way women were left out of literature courses,” she said. “Now I understand. In fact, I would leave many of them out, too.”

Brackenhoff has a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska, where she wrote a dissertation on the novels of Saul Bellow (she has a T-shirt emblazoned with “For Whom the Bellow Tolls”).

“People in Nebraska couldn’t believe I’d come here and get a job in a high school,” she said. Brackenhoff applied for 50 college teaching jobs before responding to Marlborough’s ad in the Chronicle of Higher Education. “I went into the job somewhat cynical but now I’m a cheerleader.”

She said such fellowship programs are especially important to teachers.

“We expect so much from our teachers,” she said, “but we don’t give them enough positive strokes. We don’t express our appreciation of what they do.”
