
Grand Jurors Sought by Superior Court

The San Diego County Superior Court is seeking nominees to serve on the county grand jury for a one-year term beginning in July.

Nominees must be 18 or older and must have been county residents for at least one year. Desirable qualifications include investigative and interviewing skills and the ability to write detailed reports. General familiarity with city and county government also is helpful, court officials say.

Jurors can expect to work four or five days each week. They are paid $25 a day for each day they appear at the courthouse and are reimbursed for parking.


Anyone interested in being considered for a position on the grand jury should call the jury commissioner’s office at 236-2982 weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Applicants must submit their names by Jan. 31 to be eligible for consideration.
