
McNamara Will Join Panel to Study Overhaul of World Bank

Robert S. McNamara, who headed the World Bank for 13 years, will join a group to help reorganize it and improve its flexibility and effectiveness, World Bank president Barber B. Conable announced.

Conable said in a statement that a steering committee would be headed by Edward V. K. Jaycox, an American who is the bank’s vice president for eastern and southern Africa.

Six other bank staff members will sit on the committee, as well as McNamara; Yusuke Kashiwagi, chairman of the board of the Bank of Tokyo, and former Finance Minister Rodrigo Botero of Colombia.


Conable, who took over last summer as the bank’s president, said the steering committee would oversee a series of reviews to be completed in the next few months, which will lead to the reorganization.
