
Letter : Seeking CSULB Accountability

In response to your article “Audit: Problems at Cal State L.B.” (Southeast/Long Beach editions, Dec. 18), it doesn’t surprise me to read of alleged misspending/mismanagement of funds at CSULB.

Having recently completed my last required course at this university, I wrote to the accounting office asking (once again) for my refund of $232 in overpayment of fees last June. In November, I asked about the status of my refund request and was told the accounting office was still working on summer class refunds and that mine would take awhile.

Meanwhile, the course was excellent, but the classroom facilities were far below standard. I wonder who decided a semester of flickering lights was conducive to learning? Probably the same people who are issuing directives to the accounting office.


With the end of 1986 only a few days away, receiving my refund is probably going to be included on my wish list for Christmas 1987.


Seal Beach
