
KALMAN: “DIE CSARDSDFUERSTIN.” Milena Rudiferia, Elisabeth Kales,...

KALMAN: “DIE CSARDSDFUERSTIN.” Milena Rudiferia, Elisabeth Kales, Franz Waechter, Rudolf Wasserlof, Jack Poppell; Chorus and Orchestra of the Wiener Volksoper conducted by Rudolf Bibl. Denon 70C37-7933/4 (two compact discs). If we can judge by this raucous recording, made live on tour in Tokyo in 1985, standards have sunk to an ominously low level at the Volksoper. The plot of Kalman’s melodious 1915 concoction revolves around the deathless question of whether a prince should marry a showgirl, but the cast apparently possesses no inkling of the featherweight nature of the material. Rudiferia’s soprano curdles when the slightest pressure is applied; Waechter has not followed the example of his illustrious father, preferring lung power where suavity is demanded. The others cavort and bellow as if they were in an eternal vaudeville show and Bibl’s conducting reveals severe shortcomings of the orchestra in matters of precision and ensemble. The Japanese audience, however, seems to be enjoying every minute. Texts and translations.
