
Santa Ana : City Gives $100,000 to YWCA Women’s Hotel

A shelter for homeless women received a boost from City Hall recently in the form of a check for $100,000.

The shelter, which will open officially Jan. 1, cost $1 million to build and has 20 double-occupancy rooms, according to city officials. It is expected to accommodate about 480 women per year.

The YWCA Hotel for Women is partly new construction and partly remodeling of an existing YWCA building on North Broadway in Santa Ana. Officials estimate that there are about 600 homeless women within 10 miles of the facility.


All residents will be limited to stays of 30 days and will be encouraged to seek employment and permanent housing, said YWCA Executive Director Mary Douglas. Counseling and employment assistance also will be offered at the facility.

The city’s contribution comes from federal Community Development Block Grant funds set aside for low- and moderate-income housing.
