
Two Public Servants Who Looked Like Santa Claus

Public servants have received such poor notices lately that I thought it might be of interest to hear some news to the contrary about a fireman and a Highway Patrol officer.

On Christmas Eve, at 4:45 p.m., on a jammed Santa Ana Freeway near Norwalk, our car “died”--and would not start again. We were about 100 feet from an off-ramp--100 feet across four treacherous freeway lanes!

Within minutes, a fireman in civilian clothes, driving his own vehicle, apparently on his way to a family reunion, pulled up behind us. Once he determined our problem, he called the Highway Patrol from his car. Then he placed flares in the lane behind us for 50 yards or so. And before he left, he gave us additional flares, complete with instructions on how to use them.


Some time later, a Highway Patrol officer on motorcycle arrived. We had to get off the freeway, he said, or “you’ll be killed.” He was prepared, he said, to push us off, if need be. He waited to see if our car would start, and when it did, he executed one of the more amazing things I’ve ever witnessed.

In no more than 30 seconds, he completely closed down the freeway. All four lanes were stopped and we were able to get off and out of danger in nothing flat.

The officer followed us, made sure we were OK, then took the time to show us on his map where we were--and how to get home via surface streets.


In all the excitement, of course, we neglected to get the names of these two fine gentlemen. The fireman was big and robust with dark brown hair parted and combed to the side. The patrolman was young, slender, blond.

As far as we were concerned, however, these two public servants, who had come to our aid so courteously and efficiently, looked more like Santa Claus himself.


North Hollywood
