
Public Confidence in the Military

Wattenberg’s column is scary. Not because we don’t need to have confidence in our military--we do. But because people still put their faith in military actions to protect us, whereas the reality is that none of us can survive a conflict with the mass weapons of destruction existing and continuing to be developed.

Wattenberg also states: “People want religion, not politics, coming from the pulpit. Sacraments, not Sandinistas, worship, not weapons; divinity, not divestiture.” If that is true, then what is the moral character of the American people? Can we have concern for all of humanity, and supply ourselves and other countries with arms while knowing the people really need food, shelter, medicines and jobs? Can we truly worship God’s creation, and at the same time continue to develop weapons that will destroy all life on this planet?

I believe that fear moves us into misplaced confidence in a military solution. I believe an enlightened people will act with moral consciousness, helping the impoverished people of the world. The religious community should be thanked for speaking up.



Woodland Hills
