
Republicans Back Hodel’s Drilling Plan

From a Times Staff Writer

Twelve California Republican congressmen Friday defended Interior Secretary Donald P. Hodel’s controversial proposal to open large new areas of the California coast to offshore drilling, praising his “acute sensitivity to California’s special needs” and his commitment to developing oil and gas resources.

The endorsement, in a letter signed by 12 of the state’s 18 GOP representatives, came in response to strong criticism of the plan earlier this week by California Democratic representatives.

The Republicans said the plan does not pose significant environmental concerns and also would create needed jobs and help diminish U.S. dependence on foreign oil.


“We’ve established the compatibility between drilling and protecting the environment,” said Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton), one of the letter’s signers, in a press conference.

Hodel’s plan would open up 6 1/2 million acres previously exempt from development, but it would exclude Santa Monica Bay and areas off the Orange County and San Diego County coasts. Hodel must submit a final version of the five-year leasing plan to Congress by April. Dannemeyer predicted that the House would support the proposal.

Another supporter, Rep. Daniel E. Lungren (R-Long Beach), said that California, the largest energy consumer in the nation, must pull its share of the production load.


“The secretary has done an excellent job of trying to accommodate our specific concerns,” he said. “If we reject this proposal out of hand, we will have a reaction in Congress from the other 49 states. They’ll say, ‘We’ve had enough; California is not willing to be part of the solution, so we will impose our own solution.’ ”
