
Student Loans

Your article expressing an air of sympathy to students in default of their government-guaranteed loans is a sad testimonial. These deadbeats are making it very hard for more responsible (students) who would conscientiously repay loans.

I am one of those people who achieved a lot of success because of the existence of government-guaranteed loans during the mid- and late ‘70s. I took advantage of work-study programs in undergraduate and graduate school, along with guaranteed loans, and attended two of the best private schools in this country, Emory University and the University of Pennsylvania-Wharton School. Had it not been for those student loan programs I might not have the earning power that I have today.

However, for 10 years after graduation I paid $235 per month to the institutions that had helped me get through school. After my loans were paid and I began to get prosperous based upon hard work and good luck, then I bought a condominium, then I bought a fancy new car. I’m disgusted with highly educated deadbeats.


Los Angeles
