
Rockwell Officials Named to New Unit

Rockwell International has combined its North American Aircraft and North American Space operations to form a new Aerospace Operations unit that will account for about a third of company sales in 1988.

Sam F. Iacobellis, president of North American Aircraft Operations since 1984, was appointed president of the new unit. Iacobellis had primary responsibility for managing Rockwell’s controversial B-1B bomber program--described in a company statement as having been “cited as one of the most successful major weapons systems ever.”

George W. Jeffs, president of North American Space Operations since 1976, was named executive vice president of strategic defense and technology.


Both Iacobellis and Jeffs will report to Rockwell President Donald R. Beall.

Beall said the organizational and management changes “will allow the corporation to more effectively employ the full range of its people, technology and financial resources to respond to competitive opportunities in these key markets” of aerospace and defense.
