
Local News in Brief : Incorporation Petition In

Incorporation proponents in Diamond Bar have submitted petitions with more than 6,100 signatures to the county Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) in an attempt to place a measure on the November ballot.

For the effort to proceed, LAFCO must find that there are valid signatures of at least 25% of the 18,260 registered voters in the San Gabriel Valley community. Then LAFCO would conduct a fiscal analysis to determine if the proposed city of Diamond Bar has an adequate tax base, said Michi Takahashi, an administrative assistant with LAFCO. The commission will then decide whether an election can be held.

If LAFCO gives its approval, the county Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the issue. Unless there is opposition from more than 50% of the registered voters in Diamond Bar, the board is required to schedule an election, Takahashi said.


The petitions were submitted to LAFCO by the Incorporation ’88 Committee.
