
Supply Building to Be as Large as 25 Football Fields

A $13-million expansion of the Pic ‘N’ Save Corp. warehouse-distribution center in Rancho Cucamonga will make it large enough to hold 25 football fields, according to the contractor, Oltmans Construction Co. of Whittier. The center is on a 90-acre site on 4th Street, east of Interstate 15.

The expansion, scheduled for completion in January, will add 560,000 square feet, giving the center a total of 1.3 million square feet, enough to store more than 100,000 pallets of merchandise.

Designed by Irvine-based Hill Pinckert Architects, the new facility will feature a “super flat floor” necessary for operation of narrow-aisle trucks, which can lift 1-ton loads up to 40 feet high. The warehouse has an interior height of 42 feet compared to the typical warehouse height of 22 to 24 feet.
