
Baker’s Sentence

I have much difficulty accepting the “sentence” handed down to C. David Baker, as reported in The Times: to let Baker off with a misdemeanor charge and an “unspecified” amount of community service because of his humiliation for being caught, his loss of income, and because of justice being satisfied outside of our democratic system. Doesn’t say much for our legal system.

I suppose one could argue that this is one way to solve our overcrowded prisons. Think, though, of the negative impact the judge’s decision causes. It says: “Go ahead, do whatever we need to do to get ahead. Don’t worry about who gets hurt. If we get caught, just have our attorney tell the judge how humiliated we have been. Have him tell of all the financial strain it has caused us.”

In reality, two crimes have been committed. The first when Baker attempted to steal $48,000 from the nonprofit organization. The second and more serious, when our legal system of “justice for all” was invalidated.



Laguna Beach
