
Charges Dropped Against North

In just a few days, President Reagan will turn over the reins of the presidency to George Bush. President Reagan has done much to restore this country to a level of stability both at home and abroad. In short, he has been a very good President.

However, the gipper should do one more major piece of work for the country before he leaves office--pardon North.

A long and arduous North trial will serve no useful purpose other than to divide the country. At a time when our national priorities should be aimed at the budget deficit, terrorism, the environment, and the homeless problem, an Oliver North trial would needlessly weaken the function of government by name-calling and finger-pointing. To what end, I ask. Haven’t we had enough of Iran-Contra to last a lifetime?


Most Americans agree that North overstepped his authority and made a sham of government operations. However, I believe most Americans also consider him a fiercely patriotic individual who only wanted the best for his nation.

So, before you leave office, Mr. President, help the U.S. one more time--pardon North.


