
State Cuts in Family Planning

Gov. George Deukmejian’s cut of $38 million for state family planning services to 173 clinics is another example of government’s shortsightedness, called the “whimper policy”--a short-term irrational solution to long-term problems (Part I, Jan. 11).

Southern California is expected to grow by another 5 million by 2005, sooner if family planning is wiped out. This growth is expected to be 63% to 64% from internal growth (according to the Southern California Assn. of Governments’ figures)--that is existing residents producing more children. The other 37% will come from other states and foreign immigration--legal and illegal. The problems posed by our present population, let alone another 5 million, are already staggering; lack of low-income housing, transportation crises, water supply, energy usage, air quality and inadequate infra-structure.

Without government-aided family planning services, many poor people have more children than they planned, increasing that 5 million number. State-aided family planning services cost us only $80 a year per couple; this includes a complete physical exam, a year’s supply of contraceptives, a Pap smear, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, education and counseling. It is an important service, not only for the prevention of births and disease, but to ensure healthy mothers and healthy babies.


Governor, think again. Even though you are retiring, you could change your budget priorities and do something positive for the state, its females and our future.


Southern California

Population Crisis Committee

Los Angeles
