
Long Beach Appoints New Community Development Head

A Glendale redevelopment official has been tapped as this city’s new director of community development. She is Susan F. Shick, now deputy executive director of the Glendale Redevelopment Agency.

Shick, a Long Beach resident, will replace Roger Anderman, who will leave at the end of the month after four years in Long Beach to become assistant city manager of Fremont.

Shick’s appointment takes effect Feb. 13.

According to a press release issued by the Long Beach city manager’s office, Shick administers an annual budget of $54 million and a development program that has generated more than $450 million in private investments, created 4,500 jobs and increased sales tax revenues by 200%. In addition, the press release said, Shick established a business development plan and urban design guidelines for the 244-acre Glendale downtown development area that was awarded the Progressive Architecture Urban Design Award for 1986.


As Long Beach community development director, she will oversee the city’s ambitious redevelopment plans.
