
Dannemeyer’s Stance on Gays and Lesbians

I stand in awe of Dannemeyer’s ability to express in writing the kind of drivel that is usually spoken hurriedly at political functions. His cockeyed logic and garbled “facts” are a tribute to classic demagogism.

Demagogue he is. Demagogues simply cannot function without an “enemy of the people.” Where would Hitler have been without the Jews, or McCarthy without a Commie under every bed? How could they have functioned without fear, blind prejudice and followers willing to swallow all their twisted logic and blatant lies?

I won’t bother to list or repudiate all of the stupidities apparent in the Letter to the Editor of Feb. 5. It is all crystal clear to every intelligent, right-thinking person who read the hateful thing and none of it will ever be questioned by sick, fearful people who see danger to themselves everywhere.


It is so sadly true that those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


Dana Point
