
Abortion Dilemma: Which Way Should America Go?

This is in response to “All Sides Brace for Abortion Confrontation” (Feb. 6).

My difficulty is with the way the pro-life and pro-choice groups are defined. Some pro-choice people were “trained activists.” The pro-life people were “fundamentalists.” Since the people who are against legalized abortion prefer the title “pro-life,” it is a professional courtesy to call them pro-life, especially since the writer used the preferred title of the other side. I don’t think The Times is stupid, and I know you don’t ad-lib the reporting. I am forced to conclude that the wording was decreed.

For the record, there are some well-trained “Christian activists” in Operation Rescue and elsewhere. The pro-life movement simply urges people to be more responsible and less selfish. I’m sure The Times will agree that merely because a position isn’t popular does not mean that pro-life folks should be treated as some sort of Bible-thumping, wild-eyed fanatics out of touch with the mainstream. Real “Christian activists” never have been.

Yes, most pro-lifers are Christians, and it’s a great compliment to the church. I’m proud to be a part of it. Christians and pro-lifers only ask, and deserve, the same respect that was given the hippies, Jews, blacks, feminists, homosexuals and everybody else. Indeed, if any paper were to print something undesirable toward almost any of those groups, somebody would be on the street as fast as Al Campanis and Jimmy the Greek.



