
Car License Plates That Are Out of Date

I, as a bona fide law-abiding and tax-paying citizen, would like to register a complaint: Why do our police not enforce the law concerning proper registration of vehicle license plates?

If drivers do not have valid license plate stickers, you can probably assume that they don’t have the required auto insurance coverage either. If these scofflaws were denied the privilege to drive on our freeways and streets, it might reduce the congestion.

It is a strange coincidence, but such persons are also the worst drivers--or at least the most reckless.


Why can’t the great and powerful Department of Motor Vehicles have computer coverage to designate the expired licenses? Why can’t our police see these lawbreakers? Are police officers required to pass a colorblindness test before they are hired? Or are they all so busy looking for bigger game that they just ignore such things as out-of-date license plates?


Huntington Beach
