
Weil New Publisher of Time’s U.S. Edition

The publisher and chief executive of the Detroit News, Louis A. Weil III, has been selected as the publisher of the U.S. edition of Time magazine.

The selection of the veteran newspaper executive to become the 12th publisher in the 66-year history of Time magazine was part of a broader realignment of senior management within the Time Inc. Magazine Co.

Under the realignment, Time publisher Robert L. Miller becomes worldwide publisher in charge of overseeing the U.S. edition of Time magazine as well as Time International, People and Sports Illustrated. Weil will report to Miller.


Weil, 48, began his publishing career with the Times-Herald of Port Huron, Mich., in 1966. He was named president of the Detroit News in 1986 and added the titles and responsibilities of publisher and chief executive a year later.

Meanwhile, Gannett announced that Robert H. Giles has been named editor and publisher of the Detroit News. Giles is currently vice president and executive editor of the News.
