
Saddening Incident

The San Diego County Family Day Care Assn., representing nearly 1,000 licensed family day-care providers, wants it to be known that we consider the alleged actions of Rita Napier to be reprehensible, and should the facts bear out the allegations, we would like to see her prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. (“Fallbrook Man Scoops 6 Toddlers From Flames,” April 22)

As an association that has been working hard, not only to improve the quality of family day care, but also to improve the image of the family day-care provider in the eyes of the community, we were very saddened to learn of the incident. We are grateful that a caring and concerned citizen stepped in and prevented what would have been a tragedy of major proportion as far as we are concerned.

We also want the community to know that Ms. Napier does not represent the majority of licensed family day care providers who are caring individuals who take seriously their job as child-care professionals. We are angry that this happened and hope that all providers of child care will take to heart what occurred and see that it never happens again.




San Diego County

Family Day Care Assn.
