
The State : Lawmakers’ Raise Gains

The Senate Rules Committee unanimously approved a bill that would give members of the Legislature a 10% pay raise, from $40,816 annually to $44,898. The increase would take effect Dec. 3, 1990, a month after the next general election. State lawmakers last voted themselves a salary boost two years ago. Besides salary, legislators also receive a tax-free $88 daily allowance for expenses, seven days a week, while the Legislature is in session. Senators averaged $17,500 in tax-free per diem last year. They also receive leased vehicles, free gasoline, telephone credit cards, generous pensions and life and medical insurance. Under the state Constitution, legislative pay raises are limited to a maximum of 5% a year. Most pay raise bills have covered a two-year period since 1966, when the voters gave lawmakers the authority to increase legislative salaries.
