
Astro Fans Get Heave-Ho for Noisy Protest on Trades

From Associated Press

Anger toward Houston Astros owner John McMullen over the loss of popular players erupted Tuesday night when fans displaying anti-McMullen signs were removed from their seats by an Astrodome security official.

Other fans, many of whom had been cheering the signs, pelted the officer with cups of beer and popcorn when he escorted the two fans away from their seats, witnesses and officials said. And several irate fans attending the game against St. Louis followed the officer out into the concession area, where they got into a scuffle with police, observers added.

The pair, a man and a woman, held signs that read: “McMullen Stinks, Ryan and Ashby fans,” a reference to the trade of pitcher Nolan Ryan and the release of catcher Alan Ashby, both longtime and popular players.


Astrodome security officials said the fans were escorted from their seats because they were disturbing play. They were not arrested and were offered refunds on their tickets.

The Astros won the game 8-7.
