
Crimes by Juveniles

The incident reported in The Times regarding the air rifle shooting of a lone hiker by a group of youngsters (“2 Boys Held in BB Shooting of Hiker, 79,” Metro, May 15), prompts me to have the following observations:

For reasons of physical safety, you can no longer walk or hike by yourself at any time of the night or day. If you are attacked, you must presume that there is the definite possibility that no one will come to your rescue.

If, for some reason, you find yourself in a lonely, deserted area, you better have something with you for protection. If you are in danger and use whatever implement you brought with you for protection, be prepared to defend your life-preserving actions to the authorities.


As one of a long line of California natives (that rare breed), who remembers much gentler days in spite of my fairly young age (31), I wonder what is it that has caused the quality of the population of the Los Angeles area to deteriorate so badly? Can it get any worse?


Los Angeles
